Middle and High School Math Resources
Links verified on 10/14/2015
- CSAP Released Items - | 2004, Grades 5-10 | 2003, Grades 5-10 | 2002, Grades 5-10 |
- Glencoe Standardized Testing Practice Questions - Standardized Test Practice randomly selects a total of 20 questions from lessons for Chapter 1 through the chapter that you indicate. Choose your chapter from the list.
- Glencoe TCAP - interactive quizzes to correspond to their textbooks; can select topics for interactive quizzes.
- Glencoe TCAP - Mathematics: Applications and Connections Course 2 2001 interactive quiz
- Glencoe TCAP - Mathematics: Applications and Connections Course 3 2001 interactive quiz
- Harcourt School Publishers has links to each of the grade levels from K-8. At that site you will find a variety of activities tied to chapters from their textbooks. You might prefer to go to their E-Lab index. There you will find 28 interactive activities for each of the grades from 3-8.
- MCAS Rapid Fire Math Review - Quia Game; matching, concentration or flash cards
- Patterns - [designed for grade 7] Problems in identifying trends and patterns.
- Problem solving - Work through the steps required to solve a word problem. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
- Puzzling and Perplexing Problems for Middle School Math - Two teachers have designed these pages as ready-made problems for each month of the school year. These problems include holidays, seasons, and sports. Many of them are open-ended so that children can get extra practice for the standardized tests they must take. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
- Practice Tests for Regents Exam Math A 8th grade Math Testing, courtesy of New York. | 7th grade Math Tests | 6th grade Math Tests
- Practice Test for Math B - High School Testing, courtesy of New York.
- Quia Quizzes - 6th Grade SOL math | 7th Grade SOL math
- Regents Exam Prep Center from Oswego City School District Algebra II and Trig and Geometry - Middle/High School help for preparation of math concepts such as operations, mathematical reasoning, patterns and functions and more.
- Released and printable tests - Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS)
- Verbal Reasoning - Problems in verbal reasoning which challenge you to understand a problem and think through the solution. (7th grade)
- Virginia State Standards of Learning in Math, Science And Technology Practices - Choose a year; select Math 8 for middle school or Algebra 1, Algebra II, or Geometry for high school
site for teachers |
PowerPoint show |
Acrobat document |
Word document |
whiteboard resource |
sound |
video format |
interactive lesson |
a quiz |
lesson plan |
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